Forget the days troubles

Forget the days troubles

Sometimes you find out the troubles are really blessings.

A gentle reminder for us all that sometimes our blessings are piling up and we may forget, or rather perhaps we just aren’t tuned in to them. How many of us focus on the negativity of the day and miss the silver lining?

Focus on the positive, not the negative. Simply put and not looking too deeply, everything always looks better through a positive perspective. No “wrong” no “right” just different points of view. ~ Denise Hecht 

One might ask what is the big deal with counting your blessings, it’s not as if my problems will go away? Counting your blessings will not make your problems disappear automatically, but it will help you cope with the negative emotions and thoughts that might be getting in the way of you actually appreciating every good thing God has already blessed you with and every bad thing he helped you overcome as well. ~ Brigitte Nicole

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