If someone wants to be part of your life

If someone wants to be part of your life

If someone doesn’t want to make an effort to be there then let them go. It is their loss as they never really truly take the time to find out what a great person you are and how much you have to give. It hurts for a while, but then you have to close one door on one person to open another door on somebody much better who deserves to be in your life. ~ Andrea Ostapski

Friendships work both ways. If you are good friends you will want to know how that person is doing and you care for that person. You share their ups and downs, good times and bad times. I love people. I am a true friend if you don’t betray me and you are there for me. I want to make an effort to be there for my friends and I hope people will return my friendship. You can never have to many friends. Life is just going so fast, you don’t have time sometime to sit down and ask about your friend and how that person is really doing. ~ Claire Cook

When the chips are down you really find out whose there for you or whose there only for what you can do for them. ~ Linda Morrison

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