Never chase love, affection or attention

Never chase love, affection, or attention

Never chase what you want or think that’s what they want. When the right person comes along they will pick you and if the spark is there then you know that’s the one. ~ Patti Gwaltney

Never go after someone just to break their heart, if you don’t plan to stick around don’t bother. What you do today will catch up with you someday. Hearts should not be played with and don’t be heartless to make so many excuses rationalizing and justifying what you’ve done. ~ Norma Powell

If you have to beg someone to show that they care in any way, they aren’t worth your time. ~ Pam Travis

There is someone out there who will happily give it to you so don’t waste time trying to get it from someone who doesn’t have it to give.

I have chased, asked forgiveness even begged. These words have said it all. I’m now going to forget the people who hurt me over the years and get on with my life they don’t deserve me. I’m a lovely person. ~ Jeanette Smith

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