Soulmate is someone who will make you the most “YOU” that you could possibly be


Someone who accepts you as the most “you” that you can possibly be. ~ Hannah Meyers

Soulmate is someone who brings out the best and the worst in you. He/she is that special being only for you whether you found him in your early years or he might be at thy soul’s path waiting in the last few lonely pages of your book. But in the end it is not important if you have a hundred years with him what matters most is that you have given each other the best times of your life together no matter how short lived no matter how brief. ~ Ghay Gonzales

Someone who brings out the best in you most of the times and very rare that the worst in you will come out. ~ Norma Powell

Someone who care for you with all his heart and unconditional love. ~ Marian Tulipas

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