Don’t wait for someone to change

Don't wait for someone to change

Forgiveness is for you, you cannot move on without it.

Some people on this earth never change no matter how many chances you give them, the best thing is to change yourself and forgive yourself for allowing them to treat you that way. ~ Hazel Fernandes

You can only change yourself, your attitude, your reaction because you cannot control what other person do and cannot read their minds to know what they are thinking..if we do then, we will be making pretty good money for being clairvoyant. We can only control people if we have the power through resources and they are our subordinates or if they are our minor children and our power to control have limitations. So brace yourself if you want to change and control because all the effort and work you do to achieve that is all in vain. ~ Norma Powell

When you hurt, move on on your own. Don’t expect anyone to sympathize you, especially those who hurt you. ~ Vitchy Shui

Carrying around a grudge does not make wounds heal any quicker. You can’t change others but you can change yourself. ~ Margie Hawkins

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