The right guy will love you for what’s inside

The right guy will love you for what's inside

If you don’t love yourself how can you let anyone else love you completely. 

A real man wouldn’t care too much about the outer appearance. It’s what inside that counts. Same goes for a real woman. ~ Colleen Robinson 

Try your best, but not to put too much make up on if your trying to impress me. It will say your trying too hard. ~ Adam Stambaugh 

See how long they like pretty because that fades then what, at least when they love you the way you are, they love your heart, not your body. Don’t be a trophy wife, looks fade but your heart will remain pure and strong. ~ Catherine Machnowski 

Beauty is inside you. Its in your heart, in your eyes and in your mind. If you think you are beautiful, and indeed you are, you don’t need any ones assurity. Somewhere someone is made for you and you will find him someday even if you don’t effort for it. ~ Samia Falak 

Makes all the difference in the world to be loved for the you inside. If weight is and looks mean that much to him or her, pass them up because you will never live up to that person. Love yourself for who you are and not your weight or hair and the way you dress. ~ Sandra Duchon 

That real Man will be with you in the good times and the bad times, and will always be in your corner because of my man, our marriage is stronger than ever. A real marriage is funny times, like when you wake up and it’s time for the support hose to go on and your honey steps on your toes as he is helping put them on for you, then both of us started laughing and saying. “Wonder what we’re going to look like in a nursing home together?” Growing old together isn’t bad as long as you grow old with your partner. ~ Jane Rolland

When he truly sees you as person from the inside and loves you whether you are pretty or not that is a total keeper and a real man. I found mine since High school and he loves me for who I am and my inner self and my heart, also my bad side as well. ~ Ana Luisa

We have grown in love. Bad & good times have made us stronger & we took our vows very serious which seems doesn’t happen as much these days. We are now 58 & in poor health, but still do our best to help each other everyday. Things that try to kill you can only make you stronger if you stick together & keep God first in your life. ~ Sharon Chewning 

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