One kind word can change someone’s entire day

One kind word can change someone's entire day

Words have power so we must be impeccable with our word.

One bad word can ruin a day. Words are a double-edged sword.

Just smallest compliment can change a person’s whole outlook. Never pass the opportunity to give one. ~ Diane Holdren 

Make it a habit every day to find an opportunity to extend random kindness to a stranger. ~ Norma Powell 

Always treat others the way you wanted to be treated, with respect and dignity. A sincere smile can also make a difference on one’s attitude . ~ Aurora Richardson 

May we all display the qualities of appreciation and thankfulness for our fellow beings. ~ Clive Alfino

If everyone just said one kind word to change someone’s day, this world would be a different and better place. ~ Marcia Hatfield 

Sometimes the most precious things are valueless and free. Kindness is one of it. Kindness is enough to make the world, the most beautiful place to live. ~ Veerappan Tanggapan

In contrary sometimes one unkind word can change someone’s day. One kind action can change someone’s way or one unkind action can change someone’s way of seeing. ~ Charmaine Reisinger 

There are some people out there that won’t compliment anyone and to me this is sort of selfish. A kind word may save someone’s life someday. Words are very powerful. ~ Darlyne Linda  

I used to do this thing purposely at the holidays. When store clerks were crabby, tired and frustrated. I’d be in line and as soon as it was my turn. I’d find something nice to say to them, even if it was “love your sweater.” The difference in their attitude was amazing. I should do that more often. ~ Jude McConkey

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