We don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring

We don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring

We shouldn’t waste a single moment on negativity and we shouldn’t just sit back and wait. We should embrace Life. Make it what you want. Do what you want. Don’t sit back and wait. Laugh, Dance, Sing out loud, Love and share your love and happiness with others. ~ Tammy McCourt

Love those real and true friends and avoid those who are not, who only wants to use you and then destroy you. Keep yourself out from. Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge but to keep company with fake friends isn’t advisable. Learn from that mistake. ~ Anna Liza

Our ability to project ourselves into the future and solve problems before they occur has brought to humanity many great inventions. Yet with this fabulous gift of the mind also comes some terrible side effects. We have a tendency to waste away the beautiful moments we have in the present worrying about the uncertainty of the future.Saving for a rainy day was good advice then and is good advice now, but there is a limit. The future has so many possibilities it would be impossible to solve them all. Finding balance is one of the keys, another key is doing “good” things now which help develop our skills, and emotional strength so we will be better prepared to handle all the unknowns. I once saw a post by a person that suffers from “fear of the future” a thought pattern which sums up exactly what we do not want. She stated, “For once everything is going right in my life today BUT I do not dare enjoy it because it always seems short lived.” There are only a limited amount of days that everything goes right. It is just the way it is. It is absolutely short lived so enjoy the heck out of those days. ~ Troy

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