People fails to see the goodness inside you

People fails to see the goodness inside you

Don’t let those kind of people change you. Don’t stop being you, the beautiful heart you have, the kindness you give to people just because those people hurt you. Don’t give up on people. There are a lot of people out there that are kind like you. Your journey is not over yet. Some people are not at that stage in their lives where they’ve learned gratitude and be lucky you are.

Being kind is human nature, for those who are mean or unkind to others that makes them less human. ~ Rose Lynn 

Sometimes even though other people have hurt me, I cannot stop being kind and thoughtful that’s the way this world should be and if those who hurt me don’t realized what they did, that is their problem. I will not stop caring just because of what other people didn’t reciprocate or appreciated what I did for them. I know the One up there sees what I did and will come back to me tenfold. When we give off ourselves time, energy and other resources we should not expect those who you gave yourself to return the favor, remember when you give from the heart and it will not hurt if you don’t get it back. ~ Norma Powell

There are people in this world who take acts of kindness as weakness. Giving is great, just protect yourself while doing it. If you don’t, you have no one but yourself to blame when you get hurt. What comes first the giving or the one you give to that hurts you? We are responsible for our blindness and what we do not take the time to see. ~ Denise Schwab

I’m not going to change for nobody or for the world but I will try. To make the world a better place to live just by being nice & spread my love around. ~ Howard Wheeler

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  1. Debbie Joy

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