Learn to trust no one but yourself

Learn to trust no one but yourself

Believing others is what breaks up most relationships and the first that cause it aren’t even friends anymore they just do it because they have sad life’s themselves. True love never dies it just gets torn apart by selfish people. ~ Ziggy Macdonagh 

Everything happens for a reason but sometimes the reason is that you’re stupid and you make bad decisions.

Life is not random. We meet people for a reason. Souls don’t just connect without reason. Some soul connections will last a life time, some won’t. Some interactions will only last a night, some for a week and some for a life time. Some will be intense, some crazy others insane and messy and some straight up honest and raw. For every interaction and every soul connection we will learn something. We will grow if we chose to. There will be a meaning for every meeting between two souls. Some will be our friends. Some lovers and some just a fling. We are going to fall in love and we are going to get hurt at some point there is no way around it, it is a part of life.

There will be heartaches that will be easier to get over then others. Some interactions will be harder to left go of because they nurtured our soul on a deep level. We will try to cling to what was, but what was was. We should be grateful for that we got the chance to met a soul that was able to take down our walls and heal some cracks in the walls of our hearts rather than holding the beautiful connection between two soulmate hostage in our minds. Let what was be what it was in its purest meaning and let it go. Let it fly.

It won’t be easy but our hearts are wild creatures and are meant to run wild and be free. Hearts can’t breathe in suffocation and the clinging to it all.

So when your connection has reached its destination and the season is over, let go. Because if you truly love somebody set them free. Let them be who they are and the reason why you fell in love with them. And maybe someday you will met again and be lovers all over again. With more intensity then before. You never know, so let go. See what happens. Let love be free.

Let yourself be free and open your heart for all the beautiful things life has to offer no matter how hard and impossible it may seem because in the end love will always be worth it no matter how it turns out or how long it lasts. 

~ Turid Husgard

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