The person you are meant to be with

The person you are meant to be with

Relationships do take some effort, especially long term relationships.

People who are meant to be together do find each other. Somehow it happens and when it does, you just know it’s right. It’s like a comfy pair of sweatpants or jeans. ~ Maryellen Morgan 

The person you are meant to be with with never issue an ultimatum, beg you to do anything for them, or have to chase after you too.

As much it hurts to see them walk away watch them walk away because you don’t want to hold on to someone that doesn’t want to be held. People want to love these days only when things go right & as soon as things get hard they want out. God has that special someone for you. Just be patient & be still. ~ Blanca Salomon 

I want his feelings to be natural and want to be with me cause you can’t make a man chase you and wouldn’t want to.

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