Sometimes you just have to stay silent

Sometimes you just have to stay silent

Silence truly is necessary sometimes. I’ve learned that hurtful things spoken in the heat of the moment can’t be taken back and escalating an already tense situation is rarely productive because you can’t change or control anyone but yourself. But if I give myself time to process and evaluate what’s really going on, the need to be right decreases if I’m willing to own my feelings and let go of the negativity. There are times when speaking up is absolutely the right thing. True peace comes from knowing when to stand up for yourself and when to realize it’s ok to say it doesn’t matter. Bunk on “The Wire” would say “there you go giving a #@ßŕ when it’s not your turn to give a #@$%.” I’m getting better at knowing when it’s my turn! ~ Jacqueline Smith 
While silence is important to contemplation and gathering thoughts, thoughts unspoken result in dysfunctional relationships and words unsaid to loved ones who are suddenly taken from us. Don’t be trite, and contribute to unspoken words. ~ Syndi Brown 
Being alone with your thoughts can be so productive. A chance to change, make changes, to add or subtract things in our lives, and really look at our own selves and see what we need to move on to be a better person. ~ Vickey Shaw 

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