Being Single is better than being in a Relationship

Being single is better than being in a Relationship

Loving and doubting at the same time probably hurts more than anything else in the world. ~ Lambert Cheung 

Being single is not the end but the beginning of a beautiful relationship with yourself. Be your own best friend. ~ Melon Head 

If someone fills your heart with doubt then it’s a red flag. God only wants the best for you in a relationship that is true and caring. You will not give up your principles or values for the sake of keeping it. ~ Cecilia Molina 

Being single doesn’t ensure you are not in a relationship with “someone who fills your heart with doubt”. Our quality & experience in life (& subsequently relationships) is a reflection of the quality of our relationship with yourself. ~ Christine Julian 

Once you know the first time, get out of that relationship. I lived with it for more that 3 years and I’m done free of fears & pain. I’m in such peace mind body & soul. ~ Alma  Davis 

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