Enjoy! Every second is a precious Gift

Enjoy! Every second is a precious Gift

Life is precious and a gift be thankful and make every moment count.

We should live each minute as a life time as we don’t know what the next one holds for us or even if we will ever see it. ~ Veronica Andrews 

Life should be lived so well until the last second, as if there is no tomorrow.

You don’t realize what you have till you are in jeopardy of losing it. Life marches on. Don’t whine because its passing so fast, just be glad to be part of the parade. 

Thank you Lord for allowing me to wake up every day to continue my life’s journey. Life is great, granted it is rough at times, but with His love and guidance we eventually smooth out the rough times and move on. Amen for this wonderful thing called Life. ~ Jane Somers 

I feel grateful everyday just to have a roof, work and food to eat and most importantly with my family truly blessed. ~ Consuelo Lopez 

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