True friends are like angels

True friends are like angels

True friends are angels on earth and then when god calls them one by one they become our guardian angels who watch over us. I believe in angels. I have many. Thank you to all my angels here on earth and up in heaven. ~ Valerie Koss

False friends are like Autumn leaves found everywhere . True Friends are like diamonds, Precious and rare. ~ Julie Norman

You really do find out who your true friends are when you fall apart and they are there to pick you up and dust you off. ~ Neeser Toben

We need to cherish those that come into our lives and truly show they are true friends while at the same time examining ourselves closely to make sure we are a true friend to many. ~ Troy

No matter how many leaves you sweep up and bag there are always an abundance coming back around. ~ Dotti Bever

Friends are rare, so if you happen to find one hold on to them by being a true friend to them. ~ Cheryl Shields

Friendships is not measured by how long or often you spend time talking to each other, even though you haven’t talk to him or her for a long time. True friends always remember. ~ Karen Guardiani

So many people pretend to be your friend for whatever gain they get out of it. They know their agenda. The sad thing is when we don’t realize it until we are hurt. ~ Karen Guardiani

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