When a Man is truly a Man?

When a Man is truly a Man

Trust is earned not won and respect should be mutual.

What makes a man in my eyes is the show of respect, trust, loyalty to relationships (regarding all aspects of a relationship, i.e. not talking out of the relationship to others), kindness, tenderness, compassion, understanding and someone who always tries to see and believe the best of one first. Basically a man who isn’t more interested in keeping up an image but one who is humble.

A man who shows respect and good manners to all at all times, will win the heart of a woman he loves and this woman will want to respect him, and if he continues showing her respect and good manners, he will never lose her respect and trust but this goes to say about anyone’s trust and respect as unfortunately many times people show respect and trust until they think they possess/own the other and the respect and good manners go out the window and then obviously respect and trust is destroyed. Show respect and trust and you will receive respect and trust as it is earned. ~ Stéphanie Carter 

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