A Healthy Relationship

A Healthy Relationship

A healthy relationship never demands sacrifices from. It only need your love. ~ Chandan Charde 

Choose between them and your family, they will not require this to prove your love. ~ Linda Davis 

A good, solid, healthy relationship will only make us mutually stronger in our friendships, dreams, and dignity. Goes both ways. This can never be one-sided. ~ Leonore Savorai 

No need to sacrifice anything for a healthy relationship because it doesn’t require you to be anything but be happy. ~ Ellie Koester  

A healthy relationship is the one which encourages you to evolve and fulfil your destiny. ~ Anda Giurgiu 

It won’t require you to sacrifice a good relationship with your parents or your siblings and their families either. ~ Kristie Barnhart 

A healthy relationship develops because someone loves all of those things about you. The minute you felt them go the relationship takes a nose dive. ~ Patti Joyce 

It definitely needs to include your sanity. I almost lost mine but woke up just in time. A very close call. ~ Janice Craine 

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