Listen to your instincts & ignore everything else

Listen to your instincts & ignore everything else

I know I am on my path. Others who don’t understand need not. It’s my journey! ~ Samantha Duncan 
It’s called unwavering FAITH! It takes EVERYTHING you’ve got to trust, and when you do, it moves mountains and grows you to such a higher level of life that you cannot even begin to fathom. The fearful ego always needs to know in advance, but it’s the spirit you have to learn to trust because that’s where true miracles abound. It won’t let you down. The ego wants to keep you trapped by believing that chaos will result if you do this, but I’ve been there and believe me when I tell you all, up on the mountain is where you really want to strive to be! ~ Kathy Pullen 
I have done this twice so far. The first time was when I married my now husband 27 years ago and the second time was when I left a job I was uncomfortable doing 17 years ago. They were the best things I have done. ~ Julie Sheehan 
It’s the fear of the unknown that holds people back. You need to let go of that fear. I have & my life has changed so much for the better. ~ Susan Singh 
Take a chcance, follow your instincts & your heart and they take you where you are meant to be. ~ Dianne Gardener 

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