When you know that you are on the right track in life

When you know that you are on the right track

Only looking forward, backwards is done. No need to repeat it!

Just keep on looking at where you’re heading. You’ll never get distracted from looking at your past when you think you’re having a good time and that you’re in the right track. It’s inevitable to have a glimpse of the past but there’s nothing wrong with being optimistic. ~ Jiffy Badal

It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you but no one can walk it for you. ~ Rumi

During the last year my life has changed completely everything has changed the work I have been doing for years. The friends I have known for years I have also lost the closest person to me my dad so I was just spending my time looking back and wondering why did all this happen but days ago I started accepting the life I have now and appreciating the persons that I still have. ~ Florapine Hafida

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